Jurassic Park Operation Genesis Free Download

About Game Jurassic Park Operation Genesis Free Download

Jurassic Park Operation Genesis Free Download, is a construction and management simulation video game for the PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 2 based on the Jurassic Park series. The main point of the game is to recreate Jurassic Park – building a five-star theme park with dinosaurs, and turning John Hammond’s dream into reality.

Jurassic Park Operation Genesis Install-Game:

In the park, the player builds paths, amenities for visitors such as food, restrooms, enclosures, and attractions. One must also keep the park safe and secure. The park can be populated with up to sixty dinosaurs, with twenty-five different species available from the three Jurassic Park films. The player can also add attractions similar to those seen in the films, such as the safari seen in the Jurassic Park film, and additional attractions such as a balloon tour and several varieties of viewing platform. The player’s main objective is to create a theme park/zoo featuring dinosaurs, make it popular, and make it safe with a 5-star rating. Gameplay functions are very similar to the SimCity and Tycoon game models. Jurassic Park The Game

Jurassic Park Operation Genesis Free Download:

It is necessary to build feeding stations where herbivores can get bales of plant feed, while carnivores are fed live cows or goats. However, herbivores become unhappy if they don’t have enough trees around them or enough nearby dinosaurs to socialize with. Likewise, carnivores have an innate desire to hunt other dinosaurs, so even a constant stream of livestock will not keep them happy. When making a game about dinosaurs, it’s usually a plus to make sure they look good and in Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis, they look excellent. Other objects such as buildings and landscapes look just as nice with plenty of detail, although the textures up close are a bit muddy. Framerates don’t fare as well though. When manipulating the camera, things tend to get sluggish and all fluidity is lost.

It won’t be for everyone, but for fans of the genre, it’s worth checking out. It has the solid gameplay and worthwhile use of the license to boot, but it’s held back by several fatal flaws that keep it from being a Recommended Buy.

System Requirements
  • OS:

    Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

  • Processor:

    Intel Celeron 847 @ 1.10GHz

  • Ram:

    4 GB

  • Storage:

    1 GB

Game Details
Download Here  Game Size: 333 MB
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